Most Beautiful Beach in Croatia 🇭🇷

“Zlatni Rat” is listed as the ‘Most Beautiful Beach in Croatia’ 🇭🇷 (and used in Croatia’s National Advertisements).🌅 It is still early in the season and nobody is here🏝️ I can imagine how busy this place is in summer😵 – many tourists, beach parasols everywhere, and many different activities to enjoy during your day⭐ At the moment it is just Michael and I. It feels like it is our very own private beach🌅💕 Brilliant🌟


#Crosscountry #Travel #europetour #Adventure #Camping #campingcar #croatia #island #zlatnirat #beautifulbeach #adriatic #sunset #earlyseason

#アメリカ #大陸横断 #アドベンチャーの旅 #クロスカントリー #ヨーロッパツアー #東ヨーロッパ #車旅 #クロアチア #離島 #アドリア海 #綺麗な海 #独り占め #夕暮れ時 #ビーチ #綺麗すぎる海 @ Zlatni Rat